Kinesiology Taping
/We hope that you are enjoying the wonderful weather? A warm invitation to returning to outdoor activities, whether that’s in the garden, on your bike or even training for a triathlon? With this often comes injury and those niggling aches and pains. We have found Kinesiology taping an effective tool when used alongside our treatments and many patients who we have already taped are coming back for more!! So what is this “magic tape”?
Kinesiology tape is a specialist tape developed by Dr.Kenzo Kase in Japan more than 25 years ago. It is designed to help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, relax muscles and improve performance. You’ve probably seen it on television, it’s used in many sports, especially at the Olympics & The London Marathon, and our view is that if elite athletes feel that it works then there must be something to it. We have had particular success using it as part of the treatment on shoulder and knee injuries, lower back pain and neck pain. We use it in conjunction with a normal osteopathic treatment although it can also be used on it”s own in a preventative way for sports injuries such as shin splints and knee problems and to maintain the benefits of the osteopathic treatment long after your appointment. It can also be used to enhance a movement rather than a muscle. This is called power taping and is used to increase endurance and performance.For more information on how Kinesiology Tape could help you, make an appointment or have a look at our website to find out how osteopathy could help you.
If you would like to try Kinesiology taping on it’s own to see how it may work for you we can offer this to existing patients for £15 for one area of the body. It only takes about 10 minutes Please give us a call if you have any queries.
Carla Downton * Jane Allen *Stephanie Miller
01277 821908 / 07801937960 / 07855053518